My flash fiction piece, Going All The Way is the story of the day today at Every Day Fiction:
When the Selkie Comes sold to Daily Science Fiction
My short story When the Selkie Comes has sold to Daily Science Fiction. DSF mails a high quality science fiction or fantasy story to their subscribers every day. The stories are then featured on their website a week later. You can find oaut more at It’s a great place for fast fiction and I’m proud to be included.
The Front Line audio version on Nature podcast
My story The Front Line has been chosen as the story of the month to appear on their podcast.
It’s an excellent reading by Kerri Smith. You can hear it here: Nature podcast
Going All the Way sold to Every Day Fiction
My flash story, Going All the Way, sold to Every Day Fiction and will be appearing this month!
The Front Line published in Nature
My short fiction, The Front Line is in this week’s edition of Nature. You can buy the magazine at all high quality news agents or read it online: The front line : Nature : Nature Publishing Group
Enjoy “Vintage Millennial Cookery InfoManual by the Geusian Ladies Society” Online
My latest short story is now available to read online on the Crossed Genres website:
The story will also appear in print in Crossed Genres Magazine 2.0 Book One later in the year.
Old Flames in Romanian
My short story Old Flames is going to be translated into Romanian for inclusion into Revista Nautilus!
Here’s the website: Nautilus- Revista SF: povestiri SF, recenzii carte, stiri.
Geusian Ladies Society sold to Crossed Genres
Vintage Millennial Cookery InfoManual by the Geusian Ladies Society has been accepted by Crossed Genres 2.0 for their Escape issue, due out May 2013.
The Front Line sold to Nature Futures
My flash story, The Front Line, sold to Nature magazine for their Futures short fiction column. This is my first publication which has actually impressed my son.
When You Come Back Again in Kazka Press
My flash fiction story is now live on the Kazka Press website as a part of the Undelivered Valentine theme.
When You Come Back Again | Kazka Press: Fantasy Flash Fiction