A Long Way from Home in Natures Futures

I’m pleased to see my short story in the online and print version of Nature Magazine, one of my favourites.

Great-Aunt Gertrude chopped up the dried fruit while I stirred the batter. The fridge updated: we were 982,000 kilometres from Earth exactly. “Look, Mom, look,” Lorissa shouted. She was waiting for all nines.

You can read the full story online here: A Long Way From Home : Nature : Nature Publishing Group

Reprint Sales!

It’s been a good week for reprints.

Vintage Millennial Cookery InfoManual by the Geusian Ladies Society will be reprinted in a special edition of the Mad Scientist Journal offering a broader range of fiction.

The Front Line will be reprinted in the Mad Scientist Journal and also read by the amazing Tina Connoly for her podcast, Toasted Cake.

Letter from your Mother will also be featured on Toasted Cake and I have to admit, I am really looking forward to hearing what Tina does with this one.