Read Old Flames on the Web

My short story Old Flames is now available to read on the Daily Science Fiction website.

Gunthar sat in stoic silence, a woolen blanket folded over his lap, facing the fireplace. Ada set her basket of fabric and lace onto the frayed rug and eased herself into the chair next to his, pulling it closer to the fire.

He kept his eyes on the flickering flames. “So, it’s over?”

Daily Science Fiction :: Old Flames by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley

Old Flames sold to Daily Science Fiction

My flash fiction story Old Flames has been picked up by Daily Science Fiction. This is the second story I’ve sold to DSF and both are fantasy/fairy tale stories. Maybe I should write more of them.

The story will first be sent to subscribers of their daily email, then a week later it will appear on their website and the following month it will be available on the Kindle. Yay!

Accepted for Colinthology

My short story Looking for a Knight in Shining Armor will appear in the Colin Harvey Memorial Anthology “Colinthology”. Sales will go to the charity Above and Beyond, benefiting Bristol’s local hospitals.